Microblading, Nano Hybrid, Powder Brows Pre-Care
We are thrilled you’re considering taking your confidence to the next level by using permanent makeup to highlight your already natural beauty. Read and follow all pre-care advice, don’t half-ass it! Pre-care and aftercare both greatly affect your healed results and overall experience.
- Microblading performed during a menstrual cycle may increase discomfort and bleeding, as our bodies are more sensitive at this time. It is highly advised to try to book around it.
- Bring a few reference photos with you! Obviously no two brows are the same, but this gives me a good baseline of what you like.
- If you’d like, fill in your eyebrows as you normally would so we can take into consideration the usual shape/style you’re used to. We will be cleaning the area around the brows to prevent bacteria spread, so keep that in mind if you decide to wear eye makeup to your appointment.
- We’d rather use your full hair growth potential when you come in for your appointment, we can remove any unwanted stray hairs at the studio, just ask!
- Planning a vacation? It is recommended to plan your trip a minimum of 10 days BEFORE or AFTER the microblading procedure.
- If you have been on Accutane, you MUST wait at least one year after finishing it before considering this procedure.
Getting ready for your appointment:
- Take Arnica 1 week before procedure! (Can be found at Whole Foods. Get the tablet kind.) This will help with the healing process
- Do not Exercise minimum 2 days prior to your appointment
- Where possible, try to avoid the following herbs and spices prior to your appointment: Black pepper, Cardamom, any member of the Ginger family, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Garlic, Horseradish, Mustard
- No electrolysis, waxing or tinting 5 days before the procedure
- Botox, AHA products and retinoids should be avoided for 2 weeks prior to the procedure
- Facials and exfoliating treatments such as microdermabrasion should not be performed within 2 weeks prior to procedure
- Chemical and laser peels should be avoided no less than 6 weeks prior to procedure
- Patients prone to cold sores/fever blisters should take an anti-viral prior to treatment
- Hormone therapies can affect pigmentation and/or cause sensitivity
- Discontinue use of any brow-growth serums like Latisse, as it can cause sensitivity / affect pigment
- No alcohol the night before procedure
- No Caffeine or working out the day of the procedure.
- Do not tan or have a sunburned face
- Do not take any blood thinners such as Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, fish oil or Ibuprofen 24 hours before procedure
Topical Anesthetic Advice
- Allergic reaction can occur from any anesthetics used during the procedure. If you do suffer from an allergic reaction, you should contact your doctor immediately. Allergic reaction response may show through redness, swelling, rash, blistering, dryness or any other symptoms associated with an allergic reaction.
- Numbness – We cannot accept responsibility if the area to be treated does not respond to the numbing cream. Each individual is different according to skin type. Some clients report the area to be completely numb, while others may experience some discomfort.
Contraindications for Microblading
- Liver disease – high risk of infection • Pregnancy/Nursing • Compromised skin near brow area • Chemotherapy/Radiation (actively receiving) • Skin conditions near or on the brow area such as acne, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.
- The following medical conditions require a note from your doctor giving consent: Diabetes Type 1 and 2, high blood pressure, auto-immune disease, chemotherapy / radiation (within last 12 months), breastfeeding, thyroid/Graves’ disease, heart problems, epilepsy, anemia, or if on mental health medication
**Any other medical condition that causes slow healing or a high risk of infection
Previous Work Disclaimer (color/cover up correction):
We cannot guarantee results for corrective or cover-up work. If previous work is dark, discolored or misshaped, tattoo removal is highly recommended before booking an appointment with us to achieve best results. Corrective/cover-ups typically require more work as well additional sessions. Your artist will discuss pricing with you.
*** Be sure to read our spa policies ** Touch ups are not included in your initial session**
Lip Blush Pre-Care
For best results and to be accepted for Lip Blush you MUST do the following starting 5-7 days PRIOR leading up to your appointment: Gently exfoliate your lips before bed with a lip scrub, baking soda & water(forming a thick paste), or with your toothbrush for 1-3 minutes and immediately moisturize with a lip mask. Wear a lip balm daily. Drink water, the first signs of dehydration show in the Lips!! Its best to drink at a minimum of 80-120oz of water a day based on your weight and lifestyle. If you come to your appointment with dehydrated, flaking, chapped, OR unhealthy lips, you will not be worked on and you will forfeit your deposit.
Please bring your favorite go-to lipstick, lip gloss, lip balm to your appointment. If you do not, we will custom create a lip color based on the inner water line of your lower lip for super natural results.
- HYDRATE! HYDRATE! HYDRATE! Drinks lots of water and use lip balm, We recommend using Homeoplasmine magic ointment as a night time lip mask.
- NO alcohol 24-72 hours prior
- You cannot be pregnant or breastfeeding
- NO caffeine 24 hours prior
- NO blood thinners(aspirin, fish oil, turmeric, etc…)
- NO exercise the morning or your procedure.
- Take Arnica Montana 30c 1 week prior to appointment it is a safe, effective, OTC that has been proven to help prevent: bleeding, bruising, & swelling. Recommended to start taking it 3-5 days prior, leading up to your appointment.
- If you suffer from cold sores or have even had 1 sore, you MUST be taking a cold sore medication such as Acyclovir, 3 days prior to your appointment, day of appointment, and continue to take it 3 days after your procedure for a full 7 day cycle. If not, you will experience pain, bruising, inflammation, and even have a break out! L-Lysine is a great OTC supplement to help as well.
- NO botox in lip area or lip filler/injections 4 weeks prior to procedure(injections need 4 weeks to settle).
- NO deep exfoliation 2 weeks prior (Ex. Chemical Peel)
- NO chapped, dry, flaky, open cuts or sores on or around lips prior to treatment. The process will be uncomfortable, result in trauma/bleeding, bruising, and the healed results will be patchy leading to additional sessions and cost.
Please call immediately to reschedule - NO lip tint, lipstick, or any products on lips day of procedure, EXCEPT a clear moisturizing lip balm/mask may be worn to your appointment! Artist needs to see your natural lip color and appreciates when you wear balm to your appointment.
Lash Enhancement & Eyeliner Pre-care
- DO NOT wear contact lenses to your appointment or for 48 hours following the eyeliner procedure. Please remember to bring your glasses to your appointment. You may resume wearing your contact lenses as soon as your eyes return to their pre-tattooed condition (3-4 days).
- Do not use Latisse or other lash growing serums 2 weeks prior to appointment and discontinue for 2 weeks after.
- Please do not wear mascara the day of your appointment (could lead to appointment being cancelled and rescheduled with a re-booking fee).
- No lash extensions (please remove a minimum of 3-4 days before appointment. (If you come in with lash extensions this could lead to appointment being cancelled and rescheduled with a re-booking fee.)
- Any eyelash tinting or eyelash lift (curling) must be done two weeks after the procedure.
- To help eliminate discomfort, do not: Drink caffeine prior to appointment this will alleviate nervousness – Don’t drink alcohol or Exercise prior to appointment this will cause more bleeding
- If you are currently on medication or under a physician’s care for any reason Diabetes, Auto Immune disease (including pregnancy), please let us know prior to your appointment.
- No alcohol, aspirin, aspirin-containing medications, ibuprofen, or other blood-thinning medications should be taken for 3-7 days before and 2 days after the procedure. (No medication should ever be discontinued without first consulting your physician.)
- It’s best not to have a special event for 1 week after procedure.
- Please leave children at home.
Hyperrealism Pre–Care
Each client’s skin responds differently to these treatments. This information acts as a guideline only & it HIGHLY recommended to follow for OPTIMAL results!
- Cease using any skin thinners (Vitamin A, glycolic acids, aha/bha, anti aging products, & exfoliation products/creams, facials & laser treatments) on or around the brow/facial area 2 weeks prior to your appointment.
- Cosmetic Botox or fillers may affect muscle movement & should be done after your microblading procedure(s).
- DO NOT consume alcohol, caffeine or take any blood thinners (aspirin, ibuprofen, Niacin, fish oil 72 hours before your procedure, this may cause excess bleeding and may affect your results).
- NO exercising day of procedure. Exercising will cause excess inflammation, bleeding, & heightened sensitivity during the procedure.
- You may come in with how you normally draw on your brows/bring samples of brow shapes you like to the appointment, however your artist has a specific style, please be respectful of her artistry.
- You may experience hypersensitivity and more pain around or during your menstrual cycle.
- Cease using brow/lash growth serums 1 month prior, they will stimulate more blood flow to the area and cause excessive bleeding.
- The artist will not tattoo over any blemishes, sores, moles, dry/flaking, or sun damaged skin in or around the brow area.
- It is recommended to wash your hair before your appointment to help prevent your brows from getting wet in the shower the next several days (this does NOT mean you cannot wash your hair during the healing process, just helps as a precaution for the first few days of healing.